
Motors and controls



Stepper and SRM

Image processing

Ethernet camera ,Scanning camera

3D Imaging system.

Embedded products

Class-D Public address amplifier, audio visual, sinewave inverter.

Electro mechanical

Flying car/UAV/VTOL Toy, Electric bike,

Submersible pump

Vibration system

DSP based vibration controller with class D amplifier.

Research on gravity


Paper published in "Gravitation & Cosmology" proceedings,ICGA-5, 2001 .



PRODUCT & Technologies

[ Under Development / Commercialized ]


Embedded Products


Audio Visual System

This unique Audio Visual System takes the music signal as input and processes it to deliver signals in three different frequency regions of high, low and mid band and displays the signal visually by changing the intensity of the light bulbs, thus creating an eye catching spectacle of lighting with the music.
Class-D Public Address Audio Amplifier:

SKD has developed this technology using ADMC326-SKD-1F, key feature being its efficiency, which is more than 80%. Some more attributes are reduced heat loss, compact design and state-of-the-art Digital Signal processing Technology

Sine Wave Inverters - Full Bridge & Push Pull

Commonly the Inverters sold in the market are the square wave type of Inverters i.e. the signal pattern of the Inverter output is a square wave. SKD has designed and developed a 24V, 850 watt sine wave Full bridge and 12V, 450 watt Push Pull Low Distortion Inverter based on the DSP Technology. It employs the Universal Embedded Controller ADMC326-YR-SKD-1F.





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Products: AC Induction Motor | PMSM Sensorless Control | Servo Motor & VSD (BLDS) | Motor & VSD (PMSM ) | Induction Motor VSD | Ethernet Camera | Tracking Camera | 3 D Vision System | Audio Visual System | Class D Public Audio Amplifier |Sinewave Invertors | Flying Cars | Submersible Alternators | DSP Based Vibration Control | Universal Embedded Controller
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