



Name :                     Rakesh Goel

Designation :            Managing Director & CEO


Date of Birth :           23 May, 1958


Father’s Name:         Late Shreeprakash Gupta

Mother’s Name:        Kiranwati


Qualification :           Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communication  [Gold Medallist] from IIT Roorkee, (Formerly known as University of Roorkee),  Roorkee, India in 1977.


Objective:                 To Promote R&D activities and to gain entry into global market.


Experience:              Worked as a Technical Director and Partner in an engineering firm from 1977 to 1992 where I completed various projects and  developed many Test Equipments and Control Systems. After acquiring experience for about 15 years in engineering industry, I established a full fledged R&D organisation S K Dynamics Pvt. Ltd.(SKD), in 1992. Then I worked as the strategic partner of Analog Devices Inc (ADI) since 1994 in the area of motor control and developed motor control solutions for ADI and their customers.


Patents:                   Two US Patents in Control System  for  Permanent  Magnet  Synchronous  Motor  (5,635,810) and Improved Gate Driver Circuit and Hysteresis Circuit (5,675,276) Granted, and few other are pending in India. 


Papers published:     Papers published on

                                (1) Flexible Speech/ Audio Coding published in “Signal Processing..”, Jan 1993 IISC, Bangalore, India

                                (2) Possible Generation of Gravitational Force (ICGA-5) Oct-2001, Russian Gravitational Society

                                (3) Universal Embedded Controller in ISPC conference, March 2003


Specialization:          Motors and Motor controls, Electromechanical Engineering, Digital Signal Processing & Processors, Embedded software, Microprocessor and Microcontrollers, Power Electronics, FPGA, Analog and Digital Electronics, System Engineering, Prototype manufacturing capability & Product Engineering


Prevailing Projects:   Development of Gravity Motor for space application.

                                Developing High Performance BLDC Motors for Electric and Hybrid vehicles, Aerospace and Machine Tool industry.


Membership :           (i)   Member IEEE

                                (ii) American Physical Society


Contact Address:      S K Dynamics Pvt. Ltd., B-5, Industrial Estate

                                Roorkee-247667, INDIA

                                rakesh.goel@skdynamics.com                 www.skdynamics.com


Residence Address:  400A/ 32  Civil Lines, Roorkee 247667 India,

Phone (office):        +91-1332-264083, +91-1332-263616 

Phone (Res):            +91-1332-272963

Developments done in past


1974:    Vibration Meter ( 1st  Commercial Product )


1976:    Universal Amplifier , Galvanometric Recorder, Variable Reluctance Accelerometer, Velocity Pickup


1977:    Potentiometric Recorder

1979:    SCR based VSD for 3 HP DC Motor,  Galvanometric Rectilinear  Recorder


1980:    MultiChannel Master/Slave recorder, 40 KgF ED Shaker System for Vibration Testing


1982:    300 KgF ED Shaker System


1984:    Vibrosinker for Pile Sinking, Strain Gauge based Transducers , Z80 based Sine Vibration Controller


1985:    700 KgF ED Shaker System, Eight Channel recorder for Satellite Tracking


1986:    Vibrating Wire transducer with  readout, Digital multi-channel recorder

               for Electrologging

1987:    Z80 based Ultrasonic Tester,  PZT Transducers, 500 mm radius Centrifuge machine


1988:    PC based Analyzer for circuit breakers, Linear and Rotary Optical Encoders, Bump Test Machine


1989:    2000 KgF ED Shaker System with 12 KVA Power Amplifier, DSP based  Sine Vibration Controller, 4.5 m radius Centrifuge Machine


1991:    Transmission Line Damper Testing Machine, DSP  based Shock Controller


1992:    DSP based Random Vibration Controller


1993:    Microphone Testing Equipment


1994:    ADSP 2101 based Motor Control


1995:    DSP plus FPGA based Sensorless PMSM Control, Contribution in world’s first Motor Control Processor Design   (ADMC315)


1997:    Gun Control for 155 mm Field Howitzer Gun, Electric Bicycle, SR Motor Control,

            Stable Platform and Electronic  Compass

             Started  Design for Gravity Motor Prototype


1998:    ACIM Slip Compensation control for washing machine, ACIM vector control


1999:    Completion of Washing Machine Control

2000:    Air Conditioner Control (Indoor: PMSM Sensorless Control; Outdoor: vector Control),

            Gravity Motor Breakthrough     (first weight change experienced)


2001:   Experiments on Laser Drift and Stone Impact conducted successfully.

            Motor and Control for Avionics Application

             (High Performance and Light Weight motors for Electrical Transmission based VTOL vehicle),

            Compact Electronic Submersible Pump (3 Inch), Universal Embedded Controller (IC)




2002:    Class D Audio Amplifier based on ADSP 21990, sinewave Inverter / UPS (Push Pull as well as Full Bridge type)




2003:    DSP based motor control,, high speed DSP (400 MHz blackfin DSP from ADI) based image processing applications.


2004     Blackfin DSP based applications including vibration control, two channel servo motor control, LAN security camera


2005     Blackfin DSP based digital image recorder